Jesse is a wealth of knowledge on the subject of nutrition and health, with an emphasis on the importance of a healthy raw food lifestyle. He has helped me finally understand Optimum Wellness. His methods of teaching and his impeccability made it so clear and easy to understand. I have known Jesse for several years now, and know that he truly practices what he teaches, without deviation from his lifestyle and goals. Even on the other side of the world, with e-mails, Skype, and his newsletters it seems as if Jesse is right next to me, helping with a health concern that I chose to overcome without prescription medication. Because of his work, I was able to lose some excess weight with the right fitness and nutrition plan custom tailored for my needs, improve my cardiovascular health, and be supported along the way! I am able to pass on his healthy lifestyle advice to my clients who address similar concerns, or I refer them to him directly. I truly know that he is a Master of what he teaches, and leads by example.

Patty’s message: “Hey remember when I went to the Dr. when you were here, and i was given that Rx that I ripped up…. 3 years and no heart meds, and I’m still alive…… Thanks to you and Sean for your healthy eating habits advice and Seans Salsa recipe…… I make it often, and keep him alive in my heart by following his healthy advice!!!!!!! And that flowering plant that you gave me……. still alive too…planted it at my sisters house….I can actually say that you are in the business of keeping me alive and well, I am thankful for having met you and your family on Maui!!!!!!!! I’m sure that you do that for everybody whose life that you touch…. Ho’opono’pono”.

Patricia Medina, LMT, NCTMB, ~ Las Vegas, NV, USA